
Golden K fundraising activities support annual grants to local child-focused agencies.

You can view Grant Information by clicking here.

We sponsor three main events each year:

Store Fronts

Store Fronts is our main fundraiser which we hold twice a year, in May and September.  Our members stand at the doors of select grocery stores each season. We inform the public about our mission to help children in the community and accept donations to fulfill this mission. We get to meet some wonderful people who give generously to our cause.

Nut Sales

This annual fall event features convenient on-line ordering of a wide assortment of high quality nuts and gift packages with orders shipped directly to your home. It is our second-largest source of funds. Nuts can be ordered throughout the year Order Nuts Now: These orders generate a 30% profit for the club.

Used Book Sale (on hiatus in 2024)

This event raises funds to purchase new books for the students of Stevenson School for their home use. It is held in late spring in time to provide books for students’ use over the summer.